Saturday, July 5, 2014

Microscale Seaside Hotel

  I was inspired to build this microscale hotel after watching a LEGO series called Mircosquare, where Master Builders took a baseplate and built micro-sized cities on them. Obviously, I don't have THAT many bricks, so here is the hotel instead!
  So here you can see the hotel next to the road, and opposite it is a little area overlooking the sea. now let's take a look inside.
  So this is the lobby, with a check-in counter, some plants, and tables to sit at.

  now we are onto the second floor, which has two rooms. Each room includes a large bed, two chairs, a flatscreen TV, and a beautiful view of the ocean out the window.
  On the roof we can see a skylight, a water storage unit, some satellites, and a janitor to make sure everything is working properly! We aren't done yet though....
  Surprise! There is a basement. Take the stairs down to the game room, where there is ping pong and a tV to watch the big football game. Have a nice stay!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Off The Beaten Path

  This is just a small vignette I was inspired to build after a bike ride. the only challenging parts were setting the bridge at an angle, and making the scene look naturally overgrown. Here is the scene.

  Here you can see a small stone bridge crossing a bubbling creek. I would like a lawn gnome ( or some sort of gnome) fishing on the bridge, but that will have to wait! So sit back, relax, and enjoy this nature scene! (sound not included)

Skirmish At Outpost #39

This vignette shows a small outpost defending a base in a mountain. The idea was a rocky planet able to sustain life, and small creeks running everywhere. This mysterious planet is Planet X, and ruled by equally mysterious people, bent on controlling the planet. The "alien" is part of the last surviving colonies of their kind, hoping to someday overthrow the human tyrants and live peacefully again. Blah blah blah, backstory stuff, let's get to the pictures!
This model started out with just one piece and an idea. That piece is a flick-fire missile, stacked on top of each other multiple times to make the legs of the outpost. The outpost can actually rotate, but it's not really shown in the picture. Here is another view, this time from the back.

The missile being shot is slightly bent because most of it is just 1x1 round plates, which looks like smoke and flames! Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe i should elaborate on this story? Stay tuned!


   This spaceship was first built only using pieces from Creator set #5892 Sonic Boom. After taking a couple pictures of it (on my phone, I can't get them on here, sorry!), I headed down to our LEGO collection to modify it. Here is the end result: The Striker-class Intrigue!
  This one-person spacecraft seamlessly balances speed and firepower, perfect for a well trained minifigure. Coming soon to a LEGO store near you! (tee hee, not really!)
  This is one of the first air/space models I have desgned that does not have a large vertical fin near the back, and i feel it turned out nicely. All I need is a thin black sticker to finish the stripe at the front...

  A view of the back, showing the two main engines, and the partially covered engine in the middle. You can also see the black stripe continued on the back of the ship. On to the bottom!
  In this picture, you can see the 6 missiles attached to the underside of the wings and the front of the spaceship. Well, that's about all, this ship's about to blast off on a patrol. Wave at the pilot!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Posts Coming Soon!

   Sorry for not posting regularly for a while, I have had camera issues and lots of traveling, but I have made lots of creations, so you are sure to see some more coming. Thank you for your patience!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Space Trams

  It's 8:00 A.M. on a Monday morning, time to go to work! In the near future, when living on the moon is normal, space trams will take the role buses and taxis play here on Earth. This space tram has two seats and a coffee maker for those who aren't fully awake yet.

And if you still aren't awake, how about some bright colors to brighten your day?

Just for those who wonder how this was built, here is a somewhat-blown-up picture.

X-59 Speed Stryker

 Who says you can have too many engines? This sweet ship has... well... it has a lot of engines, and I think that about sums it up! (Can you see Spaceman Bob in the cockpit?) As you can see, the color scheme is white and light gray, and not much more! There are some NPUs (Neat Piece Use) in here, including wheels as engines, and engines turned on their side to be used as.. you guessed it.. engines! Need I say more?

 Here is the spaceship without the amazing engines on the back. I replaced it with two 1 by 4 slopes.
Now this is the underside of the ship, with the landing gear and lots of sideways building! (Really? Sideways again?)
With all of these engines, this spaceship is ready to fly!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Red Speedster

 This sweet car was built for a Creator competition. It is built mainly using pieces from Creator set 5867 Super Speedster, but I also took a few parts from my own collection. To make it stand out, I put a white stripe in the middle, and some necessary features, including opening doors and hood, and adjustable rear-view mirrors. This car is ready for racing, or just casual cruising around the block.

Jerry in the Lego Form!

This is a Lego 2-D portrait of Jerry, the mouse in the cartoon show Tom and Jerry. A friend gave a picture of Jerry to me for my birthday. To return the favor, I built a LEGO Jerry directly on top of that picture, photographed it, and sent it to him. I cannot find a photo of his drawing, but if I do, I will come back and put it in this post. This is made mostly of plates, with just a few bricks in his ears, eyes, and chest. Maybe he needs some cheese?

Country Home

This is a country home I uploaded for a competition on Creator. While it might seem small, I did build this on a 32 by 32 baseplate, so there is a lot of detail in a little space. This is the front view, with an opening garage, a black car, and a (green) pine tree and (tan) birch tree. Also features 2 minifigures and a dog (woof!).

  The back view shows a sliding door out to the lake. (I know the house is REALLY close to the lake, but this is a 32 by 32 baseplate I'm working with, 'kay?) There is a dock with fishing pole and kayak, and another pine tree (this time it is lime green).

Now it is time for a view inside the house. (Sorry the picture is sideways.) A the top of the picture is the garage with the car inside. Then there is a door between the garage and front area with the front door and sliding door. Next is the kitchen, fully stocked with a fridge, oven, and sink. There is also a table and benches (built sideways) for dining.

Now finally for the second floor and deck. (And it's sideways again...) This is the bedroom. On the right there is the bed and table lamp. Next to that are drawers, And then on the left is a comfy chair with a table.

And now, the deck. The deck features a rooftop garden (in LEGOs, anything can happen), two fountains, and lounging chairs with a table. Oh, and of course, you can't forget the all-important grill and chicken.