Friday, March 14, 2014

X-59 Speed Stryker

 Who says you can have too many engines? This sweet ship has... well... it has a lot of engines, and I think that about sums it up! (Can you see Spaceman Bob in the cockpit?) As you can see, the color scheme is white and light gray, and not much more! There are some NPUs (Neat Piece Use) in here, including wheels as engines, and engines turned on their side to be used as.. you guessed it.. engines! Need I say more?

 Here is the spaceship without the amazing engines on the back. I replaced it with two 1 by 4 slopes.
Now this is the underside of the ship, with the landing gear and lots of sideways building! (Really? Sideways again?)
With all of these engines, this spaceship is ready to fly!

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