Friday, July 4, 2014

Skirmish At Outpost #39

This vignette shows a small outpost defending a base in a mountain. The idea was a rocky planet able to sustain life, and small creeks running everywhere. This mysterious planet is Planet X, and ruled by equally mysterious people, bent on controlling the planet. The "alien" is part of the last surviving colonies of their kind, hoping to someday overthrow the human tyrants and live peacefully again. Blah blah blah, backstory stuff, let's get to the pictures!
This model started out with just one piece and an idea. That piece is a flick-fire missile, stacked on top of each other multiple times to make the legs of the outpost. The outpost can actually rotate, but it's not really shown in the picture. Here is another view, this time from the back.

The missile being shot is slightly bent because most of it is just 1x1 round plates, which looks like smoke and flames! Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe i should elaborate on this story? Stay tuned!

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